Marketing Strategy

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Ep34 – Knowing Your No’s!

We all have a hesitancy towards being rejected or knowing why, and yet it is often as important to understand why people might not use our services or buy our goods as it is to determine why they might. In this episode sales guru, Elaine Atherton, goes through some of the key questions to [...]

Ep30 – The Benefits of a Mobile App

This week we have Martin Haley of Eazi Apps who is an expert on mobile apps. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to move online to offer their services. With extra challenges such as social distancing in the leisure and hospitality sector, the existing benefits of a bespoke mobile app have become all the more apparent. If [...]

Ep27 – Down the Sales Funnel

When we mention the word funnel we don’t mean the kitchen appliance but rather the process used to convert leads into actual customers. In this episode the team look at this concept in more detail and discuss some of the elements that make up these processes. If you would like to get in touch [...]

Ep21 – Your Actions, right now!

In difficult times it is often actions that create solutions. This week the team discuss what actions they are taking or would recommend in the current COOVID-19 climate to get businesses up and running again. If you would like to get in touch to ask a question, make a comment or suggest a topic [...]

Ep20 – Who is my Perfect Customer?

One of the biggest mistakes people make with their marketing is to use a broad brush approach and assume everybody is interested in everything all of the time. In this episode the team break down some of the key factors you need to consider to make sure your marketing strategy is targeted at the [...]

Ep16 – Marketing for Start-ups

Starting your business is a brave thing to do to begin with and its made even more so when you realise there is no one around to guide you through many of the pitfalls. This week the gang go through the essentials to consider when looking to market your brand new business. If you [...]

Ep12 – A New World & New Offerings

In just a short space of time, the whole world has been forced to change and adapt and it is important that businesses do too. In this episode the team look at how to promote new offerings to the world and either combat or capitalise on the changes going on. Here are the links [...]

Ep11 – Marketing in a Crisis

There are few who have not been hit hard in some way by the Coronavirus crisis, but help is at hand. The gang focus their expertise to provide guidance on what you can be doing to help safeguard, promote or even build your business during this extremely difficult time. Here is the link to [...]

Ep10 – Building an Audience

Many people seem to assume that because so many people spend so long on social media, by being present and posting from time-to-time they will quickly build an engaged audience. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. It takes time and a great deal of effort and skill to build an audience that [...]

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